fuzzy set

英 美
  • 模糊集
  • fuzzy adj.毛茸茸的;模糊的;含糊不清的(感情)
  • set v.放置;设定;确定;规定;调整;分配;(太阳)落下去;将(宝石)镶嵌到(某物);配乐n.集合;组合;日落;一套;一副;一局比赛;舞台;姿态;头发的定型adj.规定的;固定的;不变的;做好准备的;固执的;不自然的
    1. Based on the fuzzy set theory, an algorithm to solve the consensus problem of GDSS is presented in this paper.
    2. During the past decade,the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions.
    3. The distribution pattern of automobile reliability data has a nature of fuzzy set.
    4. In the first method, we present a new method to hand fuzzy group decision-making based on fuzzy induced OWA operators.